Martyrs Day: A great tribute to Shahide Azam

- March 23, 2024

“But the heart, the eye, the yet deeper heart — Still ablaze for the Beloved, their turmoil shines. In the lantern by the road the flame is stalled for news: Did the morning breeze ever come?  Where has it gone? Night weighs us down, it still weighs us down. Friends, come away from this false

Chandragupta Maurya the great king who defeated the Greeks!

- December 31, 2023

      Have you heard of Chandragupta Maurya? He  was a great king who defeated the Greeks. None of the ancient texts mention clearly when Chandragupta was born. Plutarch claimed that he was a young man when he met Alexander the Great during his invasion of India (326-325 BC). Assuming Plutarch’s reports are true,

Who was Purushottam or Porus?

- December 31, 2023

Who is Purushottam or Porus as the Greeks named? I feel he is the first person who fought for the freedom of Bharat Ma against foreign Invasion. The great king Purushottam or Porus fought against Alexander the Great’s invasion of India and tried to save our great country Bharat. The blockbuster movie “Sikander e Azam”

Bharat Mata

- December 30, 2023

Before I start talking about the great sons and daughter of this land, I feel you should understand about our mother Bharat Mata. What or who is Bharat Mata? For us her children, she is our mother, and we worship her as a goddess. “Bharat Mata is the national personification of India as a mother

Place Names , Street Names and their significance in our lives

- December 26, 2023

  This is a very serious topic and unknowingly have a significance in our lives and have an impact of our nation’s image to the rest of the world. I did a research on this topic and nowhere did I see this Stockholm Syndrome — when hostages or victims bond with their captors or abusers.